
5G - A catalyst for smart industries

3 years, 9 months ago

5G by tech companies, for tech companies

The upcoming 5G technology triggers many events and activities. Most of them focus on the game-changing potential of this technology, and accentuate the added value for the development of smart cities, ports and industries. And rightfully so. However, 5G is so multi-layered and different, that the implications on a broad range of technology companies and activities are vast. More than just 4G+1, this new technology has a tremendous impact on the entire technology value chain: from mobile operators, over hardware manufacturers, to software developers, hyperscalers and (cyber)security specialists.

This campaign led by The Beacon zooms in onto the current local 5G ecosystems: who are the actors involved, what pieces of the puzzle are already set, and most importantly: which actors, capabilities and assets are currently lacking to fully untap the power of 5G, to transform our industries into smart industries?

In the Deep Dive sessions, company experts shed their view on the 5G landscape, the opportunities and the challenges. They engage in a lively debate with the audience, that consists of 5G-watchers, digital technology companies, industry leaders and other aficionados. 

Opening Session

In the kick-off meeting, Petra De Sutter, Minister of Public Companies and Telecommunciation in the Federal Government of Belgium, explained the regulatory framework of 5G in Belgium, and the timeline for the auction of public 5G licenses. The meeting continues with interventions from professor Steven Latré of the IDLab Antwerp research group at the University of Antwerp, Port of Antwerp Chief Digital & Innovation Officer Erwin Verstraelen, and Danny Goderis, Head of Digital at Agoria. 

Deep Dive 1 - Mobile Operators, Hardware & Integrators

In this first session, experts from Citymesh, Telenet, MCS, Verhaert, Deloitte and Verizon dove into the impact of 5G on their businesses as mobile operators, private network providers, hardware manufacturers and distributors, and solution integrators. 

Deep Dive 2 - Signals, Edge, Security & Cloud

Prof. Luc Martens (UGent - Imec) shared his scientific insights on 5G and its place in the global frequency spectrum. He compared 4G and 5G and closed his opening speech by highlighting the research curently done on 5G and its impact on human health. Our moderator Andy De Schrijver then welcomed Geert Kuijken (HP.Enterprise) and Luc Vasseur (Atos) for two presentations about 5G, edge computing and security. This sessions ended with two foreign guests from Deloitte Portugal (security) and Google Cloud USA (edge & cloud).